Our commitment to sustainability

We know that coffee is an essential part of many people’s daily routine, but we believe it shouldn’t come at a cost to the earth. Being ‘green’ is a big part of who we are at Brandonno; we recognize that we have a responsibility to the environment, and it’s why we only use coffee beans that have been certified by the Rainforest Alliance. By choosing our products with this certification, you are choosing to protect our planet.
We guarantee that our coffee beans have been grown and harvested in a way that is environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. Rainforest Alliance certification ensures that during the growing and harvesting stages of coffee production the natural forests are conserved, human rights of rural people are advanced, and the livelihood of farmers and forest communities are improved, all while building climate resilience.
In real terms, this means that important, biologically-diverse ecosystems are enhanced and not destroyed during coffee farming. It also means that natural reserves (such as water bodies) and areas of cultural significance are protected. When natural resources such as water are used, they are done so in a renewable and cost-effective way. The use and application of chemicals on the crops is limited to an absolute minimum to ensure safety. In relation to human rights, the farmers that grow and harvest the coffee beans receive a genuine price for their crops; a price that ultimately helps them support their local community by providing employment opportunities within their farm.

Our commitment to ensuring sustainability is what makes our coffee taste even better, and we wouldn’t do it any other way. Rainforest Alliance certified coffee is our way of securing our environmental future, from the farms and forests all the way to our online store.

We believe that small changes can add up to big differences. With your one small choice in buying Brandonno coffee you know that you are contributing to a better world.

With Brandonno, it’s Italian coffee with conscience!

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